Vincent de Beauvais Télécharger Livres Gratuit PDF et ePub

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De Québec) Université de Montréal. Institut d'études médiévales. Colloque (14e : 1988 : Montréal, Monique Paulmier-Foucart, Serge Lusignan, Alain Nadeau, Université de Nancy II. Atelier Vincent de Beauvais

Vincent de Beauvais

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Vincent of Beauvais - Wikipedia
Vincent of Beauvais (Latin: Vincentius Bellovacensis or Vincentius Burgundus; c. 1184/1194 – c. 1264) was a Dominican friar at the Cistercian monastery of Royaumont Abbey, France. He is known mostly for his "Great Mirror" ( Speculum Maius ), a major work of compilation that was widely read in the Middle Ages .
Vincent of Beauvais Homepage
The Dominican friar Vincent of Beauvais († ca. 1264) is the author of an enormous oeuvre. He is most famous for his voluminous encyclopedic work Speculum Maius . He is also the author of a series of political and theological works.
Vincent Of Beauvais | French scholar |
Vincent Of Beauvais, (born c. 1190, Beauvais?, Fr.—died 1264, Paris), French scholar and encyclopaedist whose Speculum majus (“Great Mirror”) was probably the greatest European encyclopaedia up to the 18th century.
Vincent Of Beauvais |
Vincent of Beauvais (bōvā´), c.1190–c.1264, French Dominican friar. He was the author of three of the four parts of the Speculum majus, of great value as a summary of the knowledge of his time. The part entitled "Morals" is of unknown authorship, but is not by him.
Vincent of Beauvais | Article about Vincent of Beauvais by ...
Vincent of Beauvais (bōvā`) , c.1190–c.1264, French Dominican friar. He was the author of three of the four parts of the Speculum majus, of great value as a summary of the knowledge of his time.
Vincent Beauvais Profiles | Facebook
View the profiles of people named Vincent Beauvais. Join Facebook to connect with Vincent Beauvais and others you may know. Facebook gives people
Vincent of Beauvais - The Full Wiki
Other works of Vincent of Beauvais are: De eruditione filiorum regalium ('On the education of princes') and a "Tractatus consolatorius de morte amici" ('Consolation upon the death of a friend'), addressed to Louis on the death of one of his sons in 1260.
Other works of Vincent of Beauvais are: "De eruditione filiorum regalium"; "Tractatus consolatorius de morte amici", addressed to St. Louis on the death of one of his sons in 1260.

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